Nominations for The South African Communications Association (SACOMM) Executive Committee are now accepted.

As per §10 of the SACOMM Constitution, it is time to Call for Nominations for Executive Committee Members for the different Streams of SACOMM. “Interest Group Conveners” (or the Executive Committee) are, with the Presidium, responsible for the daily running of SACOMM.

The SACOMM Objectives are to:

  • encourage contact and co-operation among Communication Departments in the various tertiary education institutions offering Communication Studies;
  • provide a forum to promote communication research, collaboration, and debate among communication practitioners, communication industry professionals, academics, and students;
  • promote networking and academic debate; and
  • facilitate professional communication practice in Southern Africa.

To that effect, Executive Committee members should be academics active in the interest stream or academic field they are nominated for, who are willing to uphold the SACOMM objectives throughout their term (two years) – between the conferences.

Nominations are welcomed for the Position of:

  1. Deputy President
  2. Media Studies and Journalism
  3. Screen Studies
  4. Corporate Communication
  5. Communication Studies
  6. Communication Education and Curriculum Development
  7. Communications Advocacy and Activism
  8. Emerging Scholars Stream

At the Annual General Meeting during SACOMM 2019 in Cape Town, all SACOMM members will have a chance to vote for the nominees, should there be more than one nomination for a position. 

Nominations for the Executive Committee should reach the Office of the Presidium by 29.07.2019.

Please note:

  1. The nomination process is anonymous.
  2. Nominations and self-nominations are welcome.
  3. Those who nominate another individual must first confirm that the individual is available to stand, before they make said nomination.
  4. Please follow the link below to submit a nomination:

Further Information:

SACOMM Constitution

Interest Streams and Executive Committee