The Filmic and the Photographic

The Journal of African Cinemas will explore the interactions of visual and verbal narratives in African film. It recognizes the shifting paradigms that have defined and continue to define African cinemas. Identity and perception are interrogated in relation to their positions within diverse African film languages. The editors are seeking papers that expound on the identity or identities of Africa and its peoples represented in film.

Publisher: Intellect

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Volume 12, Numbers 2-3, 1 December 2020
The Filmic and the Photographic


Introduction: The Filmic and The Photographic

From mugshots to movie stars: Orchestrating attention and constituting visual cultures through film and photograph
pp. 107-118(12)
Author: Kratz, Corinne A.

Experiments in cinematic biography: Ken Gampu’s early life in the cinema
pp. 119-135(17)
Author: Modisane, Litheko

Following the image: Examining the multiple afterlives of apartheid-era prison identification photographs
pp. 137-161(25)
Author: van Laun, Bianca

Presence and exhibition of African film in Harlem
pp. 163-175(13)
Author: Sawadogo, Boukary

Opening the wound: Receptions and readings of Inxeba in South Africa
pp. 177-189(13)
Author: Levine, Susan

Moving still: Bicycles in Ranchhod Oza’s photographs of 1950s Stone Town (Zanzibar)
pp. 191-211(21)
Author: Gupta, Pamila

General Submissions

Battered bodies: Characterizing Johannesburg’s apartheid past and present in Gavin Hood’s Tsotsi
pp. 213-228(16)
Author: Mututa, Addamms

The role of place and identity as core contributing success factors in Jayan Moodley’s Keeping up with the Kandasamys and Kandasamys: The Wedding
pp. 229-246(18)
Authors: Moodley, Sogen; Govender, Arushani

Review Essay

Political economy of Nollywood: A literature review
pp. 247-262(16)
Author: Ezepue, Ezinne M.

Book Review

(Re)imagining African Independence: Film, Visual Arts, and the Fall of the Portuguese Empire, Maria Do Carmo Piçarra and Teresa Castro (eds) (2017)
pp. 263-266(4)
Author: Gastrow, Claudia

Editors:  Keyan G Tomaselli and Martin Mhando.  Honorary editor:  Mette Hort

Managing Editor:  David Nothling