SURVEY: Journalistic Roles, Values and Qualifications in the 21st Century; How journalism educators across the globe view the future of a profession in transition

Thank you for your participation in the World Journalism Education Council (WJEC) Research on:  

The leading idea behind this research project is that journalism education should play a bigger role in the development of professional journalism than it has done in the past. The objective is to compare how teachers involved in journalism education across the globe view the future of a profession in transition. The ambition is to present these global comparisons at the World Journalism Education Congress, in Beijing in July 2022.

The basic research tool is an online questionnaire. The link to that questionnaire is:

You can answer the questions on your computer, tablet or mobile phone. This will take about 15 to 20 minutes. All answers are private and confidential. By answering the following questions, you approve that the data from this global, anonymous survey are being stored on a secured database in Europe (Ireland) by the investigators of Windesheim University of Applied Science and accessed by them using a two-step verification process. 

The deadline for filling in the questionnaire is:  February 28th, 2021. – EXTENDED till 05.03.2021.