CALL FOR PAPERS: Communication for Change Conference

The Communication for Change Conference welcomes the submission of abstracts for the Building evidence track.

Track description: Drawing from a diverse interdisciplinary pool of evidence and best practices in social and economic development, behavioural research and public health interventions, this conference track will offer a repertoire of new and emerging trends in communication for change through evidence-based methodologies and creative programme and content design. The track addresses the need to showcase evidence-based approaches of creative methodologies such as participatory action research, and human centred design, and the use of digital platforms for innovative programme implementation, and promotes the need for research to inform implementation and practice. Conference participants will acquire key insights into the evidence and toolboxes of best practices for communication for social and behavioural change.

We encourage work that introduces new ideas, concepts, research and deepens understanding in the field, as well as analyses of both successes and failures.

Please read the following guidelines carefully before submitting your abstract:

  • Abstracts can be submitted to the following email address
  • All abstracts must be written in English.
  • It is the author’s responsibility to submit a correct abstract. Any errors in spelling, grammar or scientific fact in the abstract text will be reproduced as typed by the author. Abstract titles will be subject to a spell check if the abstract is selected for presentation.

Please draft your abstract according to the headings listed below in no more than 300 words in total. You may draft your abstract in text format only using a word processing software i.e MS Word. Note that no graphic images, tables, graphs or columns should be submitted with your abstract.

Each abstract has to be broken down into the following four sections when you submit: (1) Background and objectives; (2) Methods; (3) Results and (4) Conclusion. The total word count is limited to 300.

Submissions deadline: 3 September 2018