Copyright Amendment Bill: Implications for universities

By Keyan Tomaselli  

As researchers we need to be aware of the potential impacts of the Bill on our daily work, performance management KPAs and research funding. Here are three just published interventions on the issue. The Bill will be tabled at NCOP later this month.

Fatally flawed copyright bill will favour internet giants

Concerns of authors have been ignored in the bid to expand so-called ‘education exceptions’ 14 MARCH 2019 – 05:10 SIHAWUKELE NGUBANE

Copyright Amendment Bill is vital for SA to be part of 21st century

Copyright is a form of intellectual property that protects expressions of ideas and benefits those who provide a diversity of cultural resources that are valuable in society 13 MARCH 2019 – 05:10 CARLO SCOLLO LAVIZZARI

Free to reproduce, free to exploit: South Africa’s copyright amendment bill    14 March, The Conversation, Keyan G Tomaselli

The general consensus of a recently organised symposium attended by copyright lawyers, law professors, university presses, journal editors, copyright officers and other interested parties is that the proposed bill will hammer one more nail into the coffin of South Africa’s ailing university system.

This article was submitted by Keyan Tomaselli – read the original article at “The Conversation”