CALL FOR PAPERS – Deadline Extended to Friday 14 May Highway Africa 2021

Academic and research track “New news for new times” Journalism all over the world is in an existential crisis. But this profession has many champions who are deeply invested in the ongoing role that journalism plays in enlarging democracy, ensuring freedom of expression and safeguarding the right to information. On day three (23 June) of this year’s Highway Africa conference we turn to how journalism could be reinvigorated as a renewed force for good in the world. This academic and research track within HA will combine invited speakers with a call for papers on topics which have an unashamedly future focus. We are asking researchers where we see the seeds of rebirth, reimagination and renewal: Emerging genres of journalism Emerging shapes and scopes of news organisations and emerging work practices Rethinking journalism curricula Emerging business and revenue models Emerging media innovation and creativity If you would like us to consider you to give a presentation on one of the above themes please send an abstract of 500 words with title to Tatenda Chatikobo on by midnight SAST on Friday 14 May. Acceptances will require a 4000-word paper (excluding references) to be sent to us by Monday 7 June. Our intention is to make all papers available on the Highway Africa website for reading before the actual conference so that presentations and conversations can be rich and informed.