SACOMM Emerging Scholars’ Pre-conference 2018

Date: 11 September 2018 (09:00-16:00) This year the SACOMM emerging scholars’ pre-conference is being hosted at the University of Johannesburg a day before the main conference themed ‘Communication at the crossroads’. The pre-conference will include the usual AGM to vote on important issues that impact on emerging scholars in the communication discipline. This year, however, …

CONFERENCE: Call for Papers

The Theme for SACOMM 2018: COMMUNICATION AT A CROSSROADS Submission Deadline of Abstracts: 30 April 2018 A crossroads is a site where roads intersect. It is a point of crisis, a turning point, and a point of alternative configurations, convergence plus divergence, meeting and departure, unity and disunity. Metaphorically, it is a point of flux …