Murder in Paris: a four year journey for director/ producer Enver Samuel

A misty spring morning in Paris, 29 March 1988. Exiled resident of Athlone, Cape Town Dulcie September had just visited the post office to collect mail for the ANC office in France, where she served as a Chief Representative of the African National Congress. She would have been completely unaware, as she pressed the lift …


21 to 23 June 2021 Academic and research track “New news for new times” Journalism all over the world is in an existential crisis. But this profession has many champions who are deeply invested in the ongoing role that journalism plays in enlarging democracy, ensuring freedom of expression and safeguarding the right to information. On …

CFP: Journalism Studies and the Global South: Rethinking Theory, Practice, and Pedagogy

Manuscript deadline: 01 October 2021 Over the years, the study of journalism has crystallized into a well-defined sub-discipline in the field of media and communication studies. As a sub-discipline, it has also burgeoned into a tapestry of cultures, epistemologies, ways of knowing and doing that exist in tension and in dialogue with each other. The …

SURVEY: Journalistic Roles, Values and Qualifications in the 21st Century; How journalism educators across the globe view the future of a profession in transition

Thank you for your participation in the World Journalism Education Council (WJEC) Research on:   The leading idea behind this research project is that journalism education should play a bigger role in the development of professional journalism than it has done in the past. The objective is to compare how teachers involved in journalism education across …

CFP: African Journalism Studies @40

Invitation for submissions for a Special Issue Special Issue Title: AJS at 40. Towards an agenda for African journalism and media research in changing communication ecologies African Journalism Studies(AJS)—formerly Equid Novi— was launched in 1980 as an intervention to provide space for research on the then fairly nascent field of journalism and media studies within …

Extended: Indication of Interest Group Involvement in 2020

Dear SACOMM Community, As indicated in a previous email, our annual conference will not go ahead as planned this year, due to the COVID-19 virus and restrictions around it. We do want to make sure, however, that we stay connected within the greater SACOMM community, and especially in our smaller interest groups. Part of that …

Webinar: ‘Journalists, scientists, whistle-blowers, governments: who are the truth tellers?’

Highway Africa and The School of Journalism and Media Studies at Rhodes University invite you to attend a free webinar entitled ‘Journalists, scientists, whistle-blowers, governments: who are the truth tellers?’ which will take place on 5 August 2020, 12:00 – 13:30. The panelists are Telda Mawarire (Internews), Mia Malan (Bhekisisa), Laeed Zaghlami (Algiers University) and …

CFP: Fliek! Film and/in Afrikaans literature

There are two main reasons why numerous movie releases are still adaptations of literary works. The use of novels or plays as resources for films was initially a method by which the film industry sought to increase the status of the new medium by drawing the attention of fans of “high culture”. Another important reason …

Communicating with Communication Studies: An Analysis of the Discipline

Keyan G Tomaselli and Arnold Shepperson Graduate Programme in Cultural and Media Studies University of Natal, Durban OBJECTIVE The objective of the study conducted between 1999 and 2001 was to review the state of communication studies with special emphasis on research performance and education at higher education institutions in South Africa.  The study was commissioned …

CFP: The 16th Annual Global Communication Association Conference

CALL FOR PAPERS Perspectives on Africa Media and Communication Durban, South Africa June 10-12, 2020 Hosted by the Durban University of Technology and supported by the University of Kwazulu-Natal, Mangosuthu University of Technology, and University of Zululand, the Global Communication Association invites you to submit your abstracts for the 16th annual convention to be held in Durban, South Africa …